Personal Blog

Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

Travel Goal for 2025: Letting Go of the Outcome

I wrote this post back in January…I struggled to envision and write my travel goals for 2025. And then life happened. If you live in the DC metro area or have seen the news, the last 30 days have been nonstop with breaking news, life flipping upside down, people losing jobs, and so on.

I didn’t feel right to post the original blog post, knowing how silly it sounds to my “problem” of not figuring out my travel goals and why I have issues with my vision board. For those who don’t know, I make a vision board of intentions and goals, from career to relationship and money, and I travel each year on New Year's Eve.

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

Ten Years Later: How a Small Colorado Town Changed My Thinking

As I write this, I am back in my favorite little ski town, Telluride, Colorado. If you have followed me for a while, I have talked about this town in many posts, from its amazing foods and drinks to skiing and hiking, and even pondering whether I should move to Colorado….

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

How to Make Friends While Walking with a Coconut!

One of the most thrilling aspects of solo travel is the unexpected ways you connect with people. I've had my fair share of these encounters, but the one I'm about to tell you about tops them all, leading to a delightful change of plans in Key West, Florida!

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

Am I Too Old to Stay in a Hostel?

I asked myself this question while staying in an Interlaken, Switzerland hostel. This hostel, by far, had the best views I ever had. My window opened out to the Swiss Alps. There was a hot tub, and they had so many places to hang out, read, and work. The hostel was super close to everything. They even had a "club" downstairs where you could dance and drink. But I couldn't help feeling like I was "too old."

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

The People You Meet While Traveling: A Magical Time in Munich

Besides visiting some epic places and creating memories in those locations, my favorite thing about travel is the people you meet. As I discussed in my post about "Why You Should Always Compliment Someone on Their 1920s Dress," I even have a special term for meeting those people: travel magic.

My definition of travel magic is meeting a stranger and spending the day(s) or night(s) with them, and for that time, you become this family, even if it's for only a few hours. You will always have a bond with them even if you never see them again.

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

Why You Should Always Compliment Someone on Their 1920s Dress

As I dealt with my first-world problems and got ready to book my hotel, I looked up from my phone, and there was a couple dressed up in 1920s fashion. Like the girl who commented on my outfit, I said, "I love your 1920s dress! You are killing it!"

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

Do YOU Have a Mysterious Alter Ego While Traveling?

What do Sasha Fierce, Marshal Mathers, and I have in common? We all have an alter ego when we do what we love, whether it is singing or traveling solo. And trust me, I am not a singer!

Now, I don't have a proper stage name like the people above, but in some ways, I have coined the name Wandering Bel, even prior to this website. Bel’s a whole different person who flourishes while traveling solo.

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

It Only Takes One: A Powerful Lesson Learned from Two Years of Wandering Bel

Two years ago today, in my friend's condo in Telluride, Colorado, I nervously clicked on the button that would officially launch my website. Most days, I still can't believe I come to my computer and type words to give advice, tips, and tricks I share with the world. I still suffer from the imposter syndrome

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

How Yoga Teacher Training Helped Form My Solo Traveling Goals for 2024

Each year, I create a vision board of places I want to visit. They include places such as Waco, Texas; Montana; Greenland; and Volcano National Park, to name a few. I also include words or phrases I want to invite or practice that year.

I want to share a phase and two words I want to practice while solo traveling in 2024!

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

6 Life Questions for a Solo Traveler in 2024, Inspired by Mel Robbins

It is that time of year when we tend to reflect. We reflect on last January’s goals: did we accomplish them? We reflect on the things that either happened to us or us happening to those things. We also reflect on past relationships, jobs, and our very selves.

This year, I have been reflecting more than ever—even on things that technically didn't happen in 2023. While driving to Pennsylvania, I listened to Mel Robbins’ podcast, "How to Make 2024 the Best Year: 6 Questions to Ask Yourself.”

I didn't realize I was asking similar questions when I first wrote this post. I love it so much that I am bringing these same questions to Wandering Bel! 

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

Happy Anniversary, Washington, D.C., You Beautiful, Hot Mess

Dear DC, 

You are one big, beautiful hot mess, filled with a naïve ambition to take over the world—or your people are. You aren't shy to have a debate during happy hour or at brunch. Your identity matches no other city in the world. You are:

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

Is It Because I’m a Gemini? The Duality of a Solo Traveler

Just how much duality plays a large part in my life didn't hit me until a month before my birthday. In the months leading up to it, the word duality kept appearing in different writing prompts I was doing in different writing groups I belonged to. It even came up when taking a moment to analyze my travels of the past few years and my overall life. At times, being a Gemini is a real curse. You go from one extreme to another. You can ask my friends how things pique my interest; they’ll tell you I go hardcore on a particular interest for months, but then it ends as quickly as it started. That's because I get bored quickly.

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

7 Lessons I’ve Learned Since Creating Wandering Bel: Valentine's Day Love

I wasn't planning to reflect on one year of Wandering Bel. I wanted to do a play on the words love and Valentine's, but everything turned out differently than planned.

I reflected on what I learned by creating this website, and I only had a little to reflect on, aside from picking a color scheme or how to input videos into my posts. After putting this off for a while, I finally figured out what lessons I have learned, and I hope they help you with your everyday life or traveling too.

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Wandering Bel Wandering Bel

What the Split Life of a Solo Traveler in a London Pub Is Like

The pub was a dark, moody green. I knew I would love this place the moment I first walked in since I have a meaningful relationship with the color green. The bar was a mix of dark wood and old metal strung with white Christmas lights. The place was loud, with people chatting in multiple accents, and it brought a warm smile to my face…..

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