It Only Takes One: A Powerful Lesson Learned from Two Years of Wandering Bel

Two years ago today, in my friend's condo in Telluride, Colorado, I nervously clicked on the button that would officially launch my website. Most days, I still can't believe I come to my computer and type words to give advice, tips, and tricks I share with the world. I still suffer from the imposter syndrome as I still think to myself:


Would anyone read my posts besides my friends? 

Are my posts good enough? 

Would anyone care about my personal stories/thoughts? 

Am I helping or changing anyone's life?

 That last question is the most important. Wandering Bel’s goal is to build a community of solo travelers who can tell their stories and help others.

When I started solo traveling, I had yet to learn about blogs, tips, tricks, or even how to solo travel. Mind you, this was over 14 years ago. I didn't have someone to lean on or get advice from when I started to travel. I just went, did it, and hoped for the best.


And for the most part, it worked out damn well!


While considering a theme to mark my first two years, four words kept running through my head . . .

It only takes one. 

Why a theme, you wonder? And why this particular one?


Well, I love themes; I love connecting what I do, whether it's yoga, travel, writing, etc., to a theme or an intention.  So, then, why did I pick a theme like “It only takes one”—especially for a solo traveling website? Shouldn’t it be obvious that it only takes one to go solo? Well, there are many reasons, and those words also help with life. Let's go deeper, shall we?

One afternoon in December 2021, I was in my mother’s hospital room with my grandmother. My dear friend Rachel, who was in Colorado, asked if I could take a call. That text message was a godsend for getting me out of the room. Dealing with my mom and my grandmother alone was too much, and everything I was doing was pissing off someone in my family at any given moment. Can anyone else relate?


I called my friend Rachel from the waiting room, and she said:


“I want to thank you for inspiring me to ski alone. I can travel and go to yoga studios alone, but I never ski. And today, because of you, I had the best time.”


I started to cry, not because of the lack of sleep or high emotions, but because I . . . this girl . . . made a difference in someone's solo travels even before I had this website. This story is important because—fast forward to the week I launched my website in Colorado: I was sitting on an anorak chair on the side of a mountain. My friend and a friend of hers were sitting across from me, and we chatted away about nonsense. I pulled my ski goggles down, trying to hide that I was crying.

I was crying because I was so over everything back in PA. It hurt that some of my close friends were not as supportive of my website, even though I always supported them. At that moment, I thought my website was pointless. But then, while I was sitting on the mountain watching the sun start to lower over the aspens, my dear friend Rachel reminded me of how I inspired her to do something she would never have done otherwise.

I was her. 

It only takes one person—something I will always cherish.


I am biased about the concept, not because I changed someone's life, especially when it comes to traveling, but because, for the first time in my life, I have a group of people who are my "it only takes one." They support me with love and non-judgement, something I haven't really had for most of my life.

Toward the end of the first year of Wanderingbel, there was a moment when another traveler wanted to hear my story of finding Christmas magic again while I was in Copenhagen. She is a well-known person. Her platform, Candid Voyage, inspires a new form of travel and living that brings us back to our roots, fostering a healthy relationship with the planet, our non-human friends, and one another.


I’d never been published before, nor have I worked with another writer to create and tell a story. But now, fast forward almost over a year later, I will be published again. My short story called “Let’s Be Gray” will be featured in a book called Blood Sweat Tears, along with 25 women+ writers published by Rugged Outdoorswoman Publishing.  These are two things I never thought would happen in my life, nor for Wanderingbel, but it shows that it only takes one person, one moment, to give you the confidence to do that thing that scares you.


One of my friends even created the #teamwanderingbel, with which I sign each monthly newsletter.


When you do something that isn't your usual or appears to be a crazy goal or dream, it’s scary, and you start questioning yourself. This is especially true if/when people start questioning your choices or adding commentary that isn't necessary!  But when you have just one person next to you or their words of encouragement in your head, that goal, that dream, that activity, becomes attainable.

I want this website to be your "it only takes one." I want to be in your ear whispering, "Go . . . 



write that book,

skiing alone,

date yourself,

improve yourself,

live the wildest life you can!"


Because why the fuck not? Sometimes, we have to be our own "it takes one," but the moment you find your own person, it feels like the weight heaped onto you by the nay-sayers is lifted, and you can do anything.


With that in mind, I do want to take some time to thank the 2,684 people who allowed my words, advice, tips, and tricks to be part of your travels, goals, and dreams this past year. This was the first full year that Wandering Bel has been adventuring around the internet. In my first year, I had 778 people who trusted my guidance. Thank you, each and every one of you, for the past two years. For allowing me to be your "it only takes one." I see you, cherish you, and, more importantly, thank you for supporting me and being my "it only takes one." Without you, I would not come to this computer and do something that is sometimes super challenging.

Because of you, I am here. Thank you for this magical, crazy, wonderful ride. I can't wait to see what we will do this year because I know we will have the most adventurous one yet, filled with new adventures and achieving our "crazy" goals and dreams.


One more thing, my friend . . . It's time for you to achieve your goal/dream!

Thank you, thank you, thank you,



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