The Most Important STEP Before Going Overseas

In less than two weeks, I will fly to London and then make my way to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest for my birthday. It will be my first international birthday trip since 2017! I am super excited since I have been doing big camping trips for the past few years.


Anytime I travel overseas, I do my research and try to learn some key phrases. But before I even do that, I take this one very important STEP:

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)!

What is this, you ask? 


It’s a free service that allows U.S. citizens and nationals traveling and living abroad to register their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.


What are the benefits?


The embassy in your destination country gives you crucial information about safety conditions there, allowing you to make informed decisions about your stay. The information you provide helps the U.S. Embassy contact you in an emergency. This could be civil unrest, a natural disaster, or even a family emergency. Not only that, but it gives your family and friends a pathway toward contacting you if an emergency arises.


I always tell my friends to sign up; it takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out the form with your information, itinerary, and travel information.


Sadly, with how crazy the times are, it’s more important now than ever to sign up for STEP and give yourself and your loved ones a little peace of mind.


State Department’s Travel Resources

Did you know you can look up travel advisories for your location or that if there is an emergency while overseas, you can call the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate? And did you realize that if you are looking for travel tips, there is a Travelers Checklist they have prepared? They even have loads of information about passports, visas, international financial scams, and more!


They also have an Americans Abroad section where they provide help if you’re lost, someone stole your passport, you have a medical emergency, or even if you need financial assistance.


There is a section for Family Members too. It includes information about what to do if an American citizen dies abroad, how to send money, and even locating a missing loved one.


I love using the resources from the State Department to make my trip easier and safer. I hope you also choose to take the STEP when you travel overseas.


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