Bear Tips!

1) Please for love of baby Jesus, buddha, vodka, or whoever you believe in, keep the wildlife wild and RESPECT THEIR HOMES.

2) Don’t feed animals, don’t try to pet them, don’t try to walk up to them, and try to take a selfie. Don’t try to get close to their young. Unless you want to be that person to get that animal killed or get yourself killed.

3) Store food and anything with an odor, including toiletries and the clothes you cook in, in bear-resistant containers or suspended at least 10 feet above the ground, at least four feet away from the tree trunk, and at least four feet down from the top of the tree or any large branches.

4) Leave highly odorous foods like tuna, sausage, and bacon at home. Cooking intensifies and disperses food odors, so be extra careful to clean up and store food properly if you’re cooking.

5) Never cook or store food in or near your tent when camping or picnicking.

6) Change your clothing before going to sleep; don't wear what you cooked to bed; be sure to store smelly clothing, food, and other items.

7) Citronella products have a strong scent that may attract bears. Don’t burn citronella candles in camp.

8) Pack out all garbage and trash. Never bury garbage; bears will find it and dig it up, and you’ll be teaching them campsites are a good place to look for food. Don’t burn garbage or leftovers; a campfire is not hot enough to completely incinerate the remains, and the smell is very attractive to bears. Don’t leave food, beverages, or packs unattended, even for a few minutes. It’s an open invitation

9) When you see a bear with its cubs along the road, it will always be a female bear. She brings the cubs to the road because they are safe there than in the wilderness. After all, male grizzlies will kill the cubs.

10) Keep in mind that bears tend to be more active at dawn and dusk, so plan your hikes accordingly. When hiking, never surprise bears! If you're hiking, make your presence known. Make noise by talking loudly, singing, or wearing a bell. If you can, travel with a group. Groups are noisier and easier for bears to detect.

11) Always carry bear spray. It costs around 40-60 dollars, but it is worth it. Also, you can’t fly with it, so get it when you reach your destination.


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